Monday, September 27, 2010

FMCG cos focus on special products for wider rural penetration

In a bid to penetrate deeper into the rural areas, FMCG giants, including Britannia, GSKCH and Nestle are developing specialised nutrient-enriched products to cater to malnourished population. 

"Many people in India lack key nutrients like iron, iodine and Vitamin A...and fortification of food will help in overcoming this problem. It is our clear vision that we want to develop fortified affordable products for Indian consumers," Nestle Global Head (R&D) Klaus Zimmermann said. 

"We have developed an energy snack, which is highly fortified with iron, required to give to those children who are highly deficient in iron," Britannia Industries Managing Director Vinita Bali said. 

Britannia has tied up with the Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry governments to supply these biscuits as part of various mid- day meal programmes in the region.